The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and their 14 Grand Challenges go hand-in-hand with our vision to engineer a better world for all humanity. Engineers and computer scientists are challenged to solve these problems in order to improve life on the planet. at Learn more about the NAE Grand Challenges and tell us which challenge is most important to you, and why. (250 words)
The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and their 14 Grand Challenges go hand-in-hand with our vision to engineer a better world for all humanity. Engineers and computer scientists are challenged to solve these problems in order to improve life on the planet. Learn more about the NAE Grand Challengesand tell us which challenge is most important to you, and why.(250 words)
problems essay 14
The creators of the popular website Black Nerd Problems bring their witty and unflinching insight to this engaging collection of pop culture essays on everything from Mario Kart and The Wire to issues of representation and police brutality across media.When William Evans and Omar Holmon founded Black Nerd Problems, they had no idea whether anyone beyond their small circle of friends would be interested in their little corner of the internet. But soon after launching, they were surprised to find out that there was a wide community of people who hungered for fresh perspectives on all things nerdy, from the perspective of #OwnedVoices.In the years since, Evans and Holmon have built a large, dedicated fanbase eager for their brand of cultural critique, whether in the form of a laugh-out-loud, raucous Game of Thrones episode recap or an eloquent essay on dealing with grief through stand-up comedy. Now, they are ready to take the next step with this vibrant and hilarious essay collection, which covers everything from X-Men to Breonna Taylor with insight and intelligence.A much needed and fresh pop culture critique from the perspective of people of color, Black Nerd Problems is the ultimate celebration for anyone who loves a blend of social commentary and all things nerdy.
We can then understand that scandals and existing problems are useful for us in a way since they help in focusing our attention more towards the problem and its solution. However, who takes up the responsibility of the situation? Considering that it involves a large number of people, a solution cannot be found out unless all or the majority of people are willing to find a solution and comply by the rules. A leader alone cannot find a permanent solution. Therefore, it depends upon the attitude of the society as a whole to look at the scandal as a common problem and not remain divided over it. This is where a reformer steps in. He unites people by preaching morally correct and good values. It is only by his teachings that a change can be brought in the thinking of people and a lasting solution be found by the authorities.
[Any orientation leader could write this essay - there is no evidence that they expanded the traditional role of orientation leader or stepped in to lead when others did not. They were responsive to the needs of an individual, but it is difficult to translate that type of experience into leadership without being able to show direct causation and pretty significant impacts.]
[There is a lot going on here. It might have been better to chose one of these activities and tease out more detail. Additionally, it sounds a bit like we are asked to consider future leadership but not provided a lot of evidence of current leadership. This essay is very focused on the author but does little to help us understand the other people being led.]
[The most important part - how the research became action - is missing from this essay. It is clear the student engaged in a lengthy and detailed project, but we should see more evidence of them persuading people or involving people in the project.]
In 1996, the top twenty percent of the population received nearly fifty percent of the nation's income, averaging over $125,000 per year. The bottom fifth of the population received 4.2 percent, averaging less than $11,500 (Economic Policy Institute 1998). A decline in the value of the minimum wage, a weaker and smaller unionized workforce, and fewer high-paying manufacturing jobs; and growth in low-wage, service sector, temporary and part-time work all contribute to widening income inequality in the U.S. Many of the poor work but without benefits or job security. Welfare reform moves thousands off the rolls, while training programs lead to the worst jobs. Over-represented at the bottom are people of color, single mothers, and their children. A decline in the well-being of low income people is on the horizon. Without resources, individuals forgo medical care, engage in risky activities to generate income, and stay in abusive relationships. Those with the lowest incomes choose between lesser evils regularly, and those with slightly more stay one crisis from the bottom. Social mobility is limited to cycling between destitute and seriously struggling, with few resources and many obstacles to competing in the market. Through my work in sociology, public health, and public policy, I hope to develop multi-dimensional, pre-crisis approaches to the medical, psychological, and subsistence problems concentrated in low-income communities.
I have always known that I want to help people. The various careers that I have considered throughout the years have a unifying theme: helping, treating, and listening to people. However, I do not want to help a small portion of the people in society, I want to do work that will affect a larger population. Through work with legislation and public policy I can accomplish this. My internship this past summer with the Divisions of Developmental Disabilities taught me that although great strides have been taken in order to incorporate individuals with developmental disabilities and other disabilities into the community more fully, there are still hurdles that need to be overcome. There continue to be too many people in our society who look upon people with disabilities negatively. These people do not understand that the individuals they are ridiculing are not too unlike themselves. The individuals with disabilities can work, own their own residences, and attend community activities just like the rest of society. The negative attitudes are major obstacles that need to be addressed and conquered. I do not want to focus my attention solely on developmental disabilities. There are an unfortunate number of people who need assistance and support in our communities. I would like to keep my options open throughout my career in order to assist various types of people. By working in the big picture of the problems of society there will be potential to attack these problems head on.
I grew up in a multiracial, multicultural, trilingual family of adopted and blood-related, native and immigrant, urban and rural, middle and working class people. I was a "gifted" child, won art contests, and was elected to student government. Family problems perhaps led me to drop out, to crime and to polydrug addiction. I ran away repeatedly but returned worse off than ever, hiding the proof under long sleeves while working the graveyard shift. I survived the bad days because a community of urban Black cowboys, a prominent African American reverend, and my dogs, among others, watched over me. Through travel abroad, I saw problems like mine, but bigger. Through the punk rock and reggae subcultures, I saw social criticism through art. At 20, I decided to get involved with community issues, which certainly saved my life. Learning about the size and scope of social ills, experiencing collective action, and finding a positive role make my own problems seem smaller. Opportunities opened up. My work in emergency medicine and research, contact with student activists, and exposure to education as a vehicle for social change drew me back to school later in life. Unfortunately, huge losses accompanied my transformation. My brother always said he would not see 26 and didn't; I'm unsure whether his case was a biological anomaly, an egregious case of malpractice, or a confirmation of black male life expectancy rates. Many loved ones are dead, incarcerated, or otherwise lost. On campus, I chuckle silently, in nervous awe of the fact that I am actually here. I am granted time away, "up there" in the university and am given immeasurable support, because people know I'm here to increase my effectiveness. I bring a commitment to keeping real people from becoming points around a regression line, to assuming that changing lives is the reason for measuring them, and to representing those who will never enter the university as anything but janitors, food servers, or research subjects.
Pause here to brainstorm ideas with your partner. Using the chart above (Choosing Paragraph Patterns), discuss some of the topics below. Which mode(s) might you use in an essay about these topics? Would you need to explore more than one rhetorical mode for each topic?
Sometimes writers incorporate a variety of modes in any one essay. For example, under the umbrella of an argument essay, and author might choose to write paragraphs showing cause and effect, description, and narrative. The rhetorical mode writers choose depends on the purpose for writing. Rhetorical modes are a set of tools that will give you greater flexibility and effectiveness in communicating with your audience and expressing ideas.
Assignment prompts for college essays may require a specific rhetorical mode, or you may be able to choose the best mode(s) to express your ideas clearly. Either way, be sure to ask your instructor if you are not sure which rhetorical mode(s) to use.
In a complex, changing, and increasingly contested world, the Carnegie Endowment generates strategic ideas and independent analysis, supports diplomacy, and trains the next generation of international scholar-practitioners to help countries and institutions take on the most difficult global problems and safeguard peace. 2ff7e9595c